7. Extracting differentially expressed genes with edgeR ======================================================= To set up R ======== We will install one package manually, so R knows where to install some more:: module load R R install.packages("sp") y y 57 q() n Run this `edgeR `__ script (`nema.salmon.R `__) that loads all this. For more information, see the `edgeR manual `__ :: curl -O -L https://raw.githubusercontent.com/humberto-ortiz/khmer-protocols/escambron/mrnaseq/nema.salmon.R Rscript nema.salmon.R These will produce two plots, nema-edgeR-MDS.pdf and nema-edgeR-MA-plot.pdf. ---- You can see the plot outputs for the whole data set (all the reads) here: * `nema-edgeR-MDS.pdf `__ * `nema-edgeR-MA-plot.pdf `__ (0 vs 6 hour)